Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sultan Quick-Starting Long-Lasting Charcoals may have contributed to Hadley Mall Fire

Casablanca Halal Market, owned by Easthampton entrepreneurs Hassan Oulbeid and Mohamed Keffas, appears to have been stockpiling an unknown quantity of Sultan Quick-Starting and Long-Lasting Charcoals.

Accelerants - Casablanca' Halal Market's Facebook page proudly features stacks of this Quick-Lighting Long-Burning charcoal to be used with the pipes and other flammable tobacco products sold there.

No witnesses at the open laundromat saw the fire start there, and the owners had over 20 years of proven experience properly maintaining his facility.   

Mohamed Keffas had closed just an hour before closing and improper disposal of charcoal or other smoking materials in the back of the store must be considered a possible ignition source until other witnesses of evidence can pinpoint the source elsewhere. 

Mohamed Keffas (L) told Hassan Oulbeid that he made sure nothing flammable was improperly disposed in the rear of the store before safely putting the days cash receipts into a box behind the counter and locking up - an hour before the first reports of the fire were called in.

Even if the fire was not caused by improper disposal of charcoals by Mr. Keffas or other smokers in Casablanca Halal, it's obvious that the still unknown quantity of flammable charcoals accelerated the spread of the fire from the rear to the front of the store and eventually to the entire complex.

Unknown quantities of Quick Lighting Long Burning Charcoals and  GUNPOWDER EXTRA were stacked on the shelves of Casablanca Halal Market - still available through their Facebook page.

Hassan estimated he lost over $200,000 in valuable merchandise and equipment.
What could have caused the fire to spread from the rear of the store so quickly?
These cans and bottles don't look particularly flammable. 

wikiHow - How to Create a Strong Burning Charcoal Fire

How to Start a Charcoal Fire - The Complete Idiot's Guide

Getting your charcoal fire started can be tricky and sometimes even dangerous, if not done properly. In this guide we will look at where to set up your fire, step-by-step instructions for the three main ways to light your charcoal fire. Ready? Let’s get started!


It’s important to place your charcoal grill in a safe location for starting the fire. Some cities by law don’t allow burning charcoals to be closer to a building than 10 feet. If it’s a windy day, you should increase that margin to 15 to 20 feet. Be especially careful about where you light your charcoals, too. Be aware that a wooden building, if hot coals land on it, can quickly start a fire. For optimal placement, burn your charcoals on a concrete pad or other safe location.

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