Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Preliminary Fire Investigation - Rt 9 Hadley - 206 Russell St. 01035

The fire was called in at 7:41 PM on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013
Flames were sighted at 206 Russell St. (Rt 9)
Within minutes they had torn through the Casablanca Halal Market and soon destroyed the entire building.

The two most important elements in a fire or arson investigation are (1) the source of the ignition and (2) the fuel which then maintains and feeds the fire.

No official reports have yet been released - determining the location of the ignition is the first step in finding its source.

The Quick Lighting Long Burning Charcoals stacked on the shelves of Casablanca Halal Market might be considered accelerants.  Investigators are trying to determine if they were properly licensed to stockpile and distribute such flammable tobacco products and pipes. 

No witnesses have yet reported seeing the fire start in the laundromat, although people were using the facility at the time.   Police are also investigating the possibility that someone from Casablanca Halal Market may have improperly disposed of some of the charcoals or other combustible materials while smoking one of the  large selection of expensive imported Allah emblazoned hookahs that they carry.

The flames have still not travelled from the rear of Casablanca Halal Market and burst through the front windows.

If possible firefighters are trained to concentrate their hoses on the source of a fire to try to contain it and prevent it from spreading, and their efforts are obviously directed towards the area at the rear of Casablanca Halal Market and the adjacent laundromat.

Despite hoses directed at the rear of Casablanca Halal Market, the Wrath of Allah races simply cannot be contained.

What was the fuel that burnt so ferociously?  A old wood frame building?

Regardless of what caused the initial ignition, investigators are puzzled by what sort of fuel accelerated the flames through the Casablanca Halal Market so quickly and then consumed the rest of the mall.

Casablanca Halal Market maintained a large inventory of charcoal for the pipes and other tobacco products that they sold.

After the "Wrath of Allah" consumes the Casablanca Halal Market  - and before it has claimed the adjacent International Food Market and Tattoo parlor.

Casablanca also stacked their shelves with this GUNPOWDER EXTRA 

Hopefully Hassan took his brother's professional advise about risk assessment and has saved the receipts and properly insured all the valuable inventory of Casablanca Halal Market.

Hassan Oulbeid - not Oulbid - but don't expect the media to worry about little things like names or quick lighting charcoals - Focus on the Laundromat.

Hassan Oulbeid's accomplice Mohamed (not Mohammed) Keffas - Keep your eyes on the Laundromat.

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