We don’t follow child rapists here and call them prophets. How Mohammed met Safia is not a love story that warms our heart. We find the killing of poets for offending the “prophet” to be barbaric. We don’t make a slave owner into our highest moral example. That would be barbaric, savage and uncivilized.
Hopefully the citizens of Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, and the rest of the United States will read this letter and question the credentials of Drs Hazratji and Bajwa and their supporters.
Here is a slightly edited version of a letter Eric Allen Bell wrote to Abdou Kattih, Vice President of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, explaining why he no longer supports the mega-mosque there. The deed to the property for the mega-mosque is in Kattih’s name, and he appears to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood-linked North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). Bell exposed his Muslim Brotherhood ties and designs on the community here.
Mr. Kattih -I wanted to contact you personally, for the record, and to make a few things clear. First, I want you to know that I strongly object to any and all hate speech that is directed at Muslims or any other group. I continue to be saddened when I think of the vandalism that your organization has endured, the threats and the mistreatment and bullying of Muslim children in the schools here.
Unlike some of the people who oppose you, I am able to separate in my mind, Islam from Muslims. A Muslim is a deeply indoctrinated human being who may or may not pose a threat to Liberty. Islam, on the other hand, is the antithesis of Liberty.
You see, my heart has not changed. I am not full of hate. I advocated for you and for the ICM because I believed that the backlash against your mega mosque was only based on religious intolerance and disrespect for civil rights. I still think that some of it is, and I find that regrettable. Some of the people who oppose you truly are bigots, and as an American, they embarass me.
However, I feel deceived by you, by Essam Fathy, by Saleh Sbenaty, by the very shady Egyptian cleric, by Camie Ayash and her very shady husband, and others. I want you to know a few things. One is that I DO NOT stand in solidarity with anyone who wishes harm upon you. I am a peaceful man. But I am really very disappointed to learn that you are deceiving the community about who you are and what your intentions are. And truthfully, it’s not just the community, but me personally. I feel sort of “used.” That said, I am not a victim and I take full responsibilty for seeing only what I wanted to see. I really wanted you guys to turn out to be the good guys. I remain quite disappointed.
Here’s what’s going to happen. Enough people have enough information and documents by now that if anything happens to me — if I just happen to be struck by lightening or die in my sleep or worse — it won’t stop a domino effect that has already been set into motion. The infiltration of the schools will continue to be more and more exposed. You have no idea what kind of resources you are up against. The money laundering will catch up with your organization. Connections to the Muslim Brotherhood will become international news. And the sick and vile truth about your prophet will become something that more and more people will be educated about.
You see, this is not Norway or Sweden or the UK. You’re in America now. And we may be a little slow sometimes, a little too accepting, perhaps, but eventually Americans come around to doing the right thing. And there is no way in hell you are going to build an Islamic compound in Murfreesboro, where you will be brainwashing more youth and catering to the already radicalized influx of Muslim immigrants. Civilization Jihad is not going to be a success in Tennessee, or anywhere else in America.
And I also want to make it abudantly clear that I will use our laws, our media, our culture, our American innovation and our patriotism to stop you. But I will never break a law, or encourage anyone else to break laws or harm anyone. In fact, I discourage this in the strongest terms possible. To be violent would lower us to the level of 1,400 years of Islamic conquest. And if we allow ourselves to stoop to your level — well, then, what is the point in opposing you if in doing so we begin to resemble you?
We don’t follow child rapists here and call them prophets. How Mohammed met Safia is not a love story that warms our heart. We find the killing of poets for offending the “prophet” to be barbaric. We don’t make a slave owner into our highest moral example. That would be barbaric, savage and uncivilized. It’s unfortunate that this poisonous doctrine is so popular in the Third World — but you will not be polluting my country with it.
This is the United States of America. Your evil, tyranical political system, your brutal and inhumane, sexist legal system, hidden behind a thin veil of “religion,” is not going to take root in Murfreesboro. Without violating anyone’s civil rights or breaking any laws, I am committed to stopping the expansion of Islam in America. And if anyting happens to me, all those red flags that the DOJ and the DNJ keep pretending aren’t there — well, how could they be ignored any longer? So when you speak with your foreign backers, use your head. If any of the Muslim kids from MTSU follow through on their threats, I don’t think Eric Holder will be able to help you. I’m tired of being threatened with violence for criticizing the “religion of peace.”
The vast majority of the members of your congregation welcomed me with kindness and were genuinely good and warm people. I find it tragic that they are being so misled by Islamists such as yourself. Your designs on this place will never be realized. You and your backers will fail. The Ikhwan will fail. The dirty Saudi money will not help you. You have picked the wrong country to immigrate to if your intention is to sell such an inhumane belief system as Islam. We don’t need any more crazy here. Unlike Islam, we are not stuck in the past. In America, we strive to evolve.
In conclusion, I would just like to say that you have fucked with the wrong country. The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro will become a cautionary tale to all of the other mega mosques that are trying mysteriously to suddenly pop up all over my country. When a new rabat is planned in another town, the board members will find it nearly impossible to exploit their well-intentioned congregations to support it, as everyone will remember how one day the Feds finally got wise to the planners of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, TN and took it down.
You picked the wrong man to deceive. And you picked the wrong country to infiltrate. Liberty means you own you. It’s one of the founding principles of America. Islam means submission. Submission and Liberty quite simply cannot coexist.
Islam is first and foremost a totalitarian political ideology — one which is not only incompatible with our Democratic values, but is a system which has terrorized the world for 1,400 years and is here to teach hatred and sedition. Muslims are welcome in America — but the political and supremacist elements of Islam that contradict our freedoms, and your deceitful and terrorist-aligned leadership, are not.
I would strongly urge you to use your remaining assets and good will among your exploited congregation to begin planning for an exit strategy.
All the best,
Eric Allen Bell
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