Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mr. and Mrs Abdelaal-Lozovaya presents "Who's Afraid of Islam" at Mt. Holyoke College - South Hadley

"Who's Afraid of Islam", a film showing.
Nov 09, 2010 by Gayle Higgins in Religious & Spiritual Life Department Happenings
Thursday, November 11, 7:00 pm in Cleveland L2

Mr. and Mrs. Abdelaal-Lozovaya presents "Who's Afraid of Islam"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UMass Amherst Muslim Student Association (MSA) Looks to Expand

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Muslim Student Association Looks to Expand

Muslim Student Association Vice President Abdullah Majidi and President Salman Khanani led the MSA General Body Meeting last night through ways of expanding the group and educating people that are ignorant of the Islam religion.

As Majidi opens the MSA General Body Meeting, he says, "Bismillah," which is Arabic for "In the Name of Allah." From there, he and President Salman Khanani introduce to the group the idea of creating committees for Community Service and Islamic Education.

"[We, as Muslims need] to engage and educate Muslims and non-Muslims," said Majidi when talking about Islamic Education as a way to get rid of the negative stereotypes about Muslims.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Western Massachusetts Muslims say hostilities against them flaring up

WEST SPRINGFIELD - Local Muslims say hostilities against them and their religion have flared up in recent weeks in the wake of the heated controversies about a proposed mosque near Ground Zero, the threatened burning of the Quran and the 9/11anniversary. 

Hostilities include graffiti on signs, a nasty telephone message and apples thrown at midnight at the home of the imam of the mosque on Amostown Road, according to Muslim leaders. 

Graffiti on signs at and leading to the mosque have included the image of a devil, they said. A telephone message left at the mosque and replayed for a reporter accused its members of raising money to kill women and children. 

Imam Abdul Baki, the religious leader of the Islamic Center of Western Massachusetts, which has a mosque on Amostown Road, said Friday his congregation does not raise money for terrorism. 

“This is an accusation of murder and treason,” Baki said. “I am living in hell. The American people I know are wonderful.” 

The situation has been reported to local police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is being looked into, according to officials. 

“It is very insulting and very disheartening when people do that,” Dr. Mohammad S. Bajwa, president of the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts, said. “We are afraid the hostilities will get a little wilder than they are.” 

Bajwa and Baki blamed problems on misguided people fueled by media reports of such political issues as the mosque proposed near Ground Zero, the threatened burning of the Quran and the advent of the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks

“That has become the center of controversy that is kind of spilling over to all parts of the U.S.,” Bajwa said of the mosque issue. 

Bajwa said Muslims have been worshipping at the site in New York City for many years and they just want to update their building. “I think it should not be an issue,” Bajwa said. 

“It is too bad they are targeted by some people,” Mayor Edward J. Gibson said of the local situation. 

The mayor said the Muslim people he knows are upstanding citizens, and it is unfortunate that all Muslims have been “broad-brushed” as being the same as the terrorists who attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. 

Bajwa said the local mosque practices a “mainstream” form of Islam, having many Sunni members, some Shia members and members from countries as diverse as Indonesia and Pakistan. 

Gibson has accepted an invitation to address the local Muslim community at their mosque Sept. 29. 

“I will enjoy my visit there,” Gibson said. 

The mayor said for some reason graffiti has been on the rise in general in the community.